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Life After Divorce


Ready to put divorce behind you and consciously create a new beginning?  Considering meeting new people and desire a healthy and supportive relationship?

Has life after divorce left you stuck in a rut of fear and resentment and you want to find a way to embrace your life again?

If your desire is to create and embrace your present and future with enthusiasm our life after divorce program is designed to support you.

You may feel stuck, unsure and fearful

Typically whatever the 'dance' of action and reaction that you and your ex engaged in throughout your marriage reached a crescendo during your divorce.  Often times those who come to us in search of life after divorce are still engaged in some variation of the dance of conflict, blame and hurt long after the legal divorce was complete.

During your life after divorce you may be continuing to blame your ex for the quality of your life long after he/she has moved on.  Your ex may not even be aware of your struggles, nor have anything to do with them.  Your perception, however, is that it is their fault.

Your perception of  life after divorce and who is responsible will either enliven and empower you or leave you depleted and hopeless

Our life after divorce program is designed to assist you in taking back full control of your life circumstances,   creating awareness around how your perceptions and behaviors affected both your marriage and your divorce.

During your life after divorce you need to assess the beliefs, assumptions and interpretations that you hold that do not honor and move you toward what you desire in life and begin to adjust them to support you in revitalizing your life.

divorce support

Your future is an empty canvass with brilliant possibility!

As you adjust your perspectives to focus on what you desire and then move - one action step at a time - to achieve those goals, a number of things happen simultaneously.

  • You become empowered to be the creator of your desires
  • Your life become enlivened with that which you love
  • You grow in peace and joy and laughter
  • You attract like-minded and like- energetic people into your life

Our programs for life after divorce include:

A few Blog Posts for your life after divorce journey:

  1. Beginning to Dream Again
  2. Imagine
  3. Creating Intentional Relationships: What do I Want and Why?
  4. Top Ten Tips on Dating after Divorce

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